
Scroll DOWN for Bulletins and other information

March 9: Bulletin
March 5, Ash Wednesday, Bulletin
March 2: Bulletin
February 23: Bulletin
February 9: Bulletin
February 2: Bulletin
January 26: Bulletin
January 19: Bulletin
January 12: Bulletin
January 5: Bulletin

OUTREACH: The Zion Outreach newsletter has been discontinued. Current information is provided in the Bulletin each week and in an email blast, usually on Saturday. If you would like to be added to this email list, please email us at [email protected]. You an also request Outreach copies from 2022 at the same time.

Amazon Smile: Make your Amazon purchases through smile.amazon.com, choose Zion as your recipient charitable organization and Zion will receive a small portion of your purchase. All functions work as normal: your account, Amazon Prime (if you have it), etc. Additional details in the Outreach.

Zion’s Scrip Program: Consider purchasing gift cards through Zion’s Scrip Program. Pay face value for the card, and the retailer donates a percentage to Zion.  Forms are available at Zion. Or check the website: www.shopwithscrip.com Zion’s SCRIP enrollment code is 29839C4217775.  Or contact Rick Borg for details.

Special crafted for you: greeting card fundraiser. Birthday, graduation, get well, sympathy, thank you and thinking of you. Special requests are no problem!

The Altar Guild will arrange to have flowers on the altar in memory of a loved one or in honor of an occasion. Call the church.

Grace Guild is collecting can top tabs (all kinds: soda, beer, cat & dog food, fruit, etc.) for the Ronald McDonald House; and Campbell soup UPC codes and lids (see Outreach for details) for the Cromwell Children’s Home. For the time being, the Food Bank is not collecting used coats.

Camp Calumet registration forms are available on the table outside the church office or at www.calumet.org

Drivers needed for St. Luke’s Eldercare, 860-347-5661

Good Will:  If you are donating items to Goodwill, please consider adding a Good Neighbor Donation Card when you drop them off. The Good Neighbor Donation Card will give credit to St. Vincent DePaul’s in Middletown. St. Vincent’s will be able to give vouchers to people in need to redeem for merchandise at Goodwill Retail Stores.  You can get a card from Donna Berndtson, 860-342-3804

Word in Season Daily Devotions available in the red box outside near the office, or call the church.

Sunny Hill Preschool Registration: Sunny Hill Preschool is accepting registrations for three and four year olds. Call the church for registration details. E-mail the Preschool at: [email protected] Sunny Hill welcomes volunteers; 860-342-2860, x12. Please, leave a message.

Sunny Hill Preschool is also in need of volunteers for its Advisory Board, as well as a Treasurer. SHP is an important outreach of Zion. If you are interested in helping, please contact Kathy Richards, Barbara Helming or Rick Borg.