Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church is a worshiping, learning, witnessing, and serving community of baptized persons, among whom the Word is proclaimed and the Sacraments are celebrated. All are welcome!
Join us at:
183 William Street, Portland, CT 06480
Call us: 860-342-2860
Write to us: P.O. Box 202, Portland, CT 06480
Worship with us, Sundays at 9 a.m.
March 9, First Sunday in Lent: Bulletin
Remember to “spring” your Clocks FORWARD
“The Chosen” Video, 10:30 a.m.
Wednesdays during Lent, we will participate in The Soup and Substance program together with Bethlehem Lutheran Church in East Hampton at 6:00 p.m. Dates are: March 12 at Zion; March 19 at Bethlehem; March 26 at Zion; April 2 at Bethlehem; and April 9 at Zion.
Also during Lent, Activity Bags will be available for families on March 9th. Each bag contains items to spark conversation, to dig into scripture, and to create a Lenten devotional practice for children.
During the month of March, the Grace Guild will be collecting donations of Groceries and Personal items for the Food Bank.
Welcome to True Vine Church members worshipping in the upper Fellowship Hall each Sunday mornings at 11 a.m.
Other upcoming events & news items listed below. See Bulletins for complete calendar and event details.
- Adult Education continues this year with “The
Chosen”. Episodes will be shown on the 1st and 3rd
Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Discussions will be held on the
2nd and 4th Sundays at 10:30 a.m. - First and Third Sundays: Sunday School for ages 3 to 16, following worship, contact the church office for details.
- March 2: Last chance to view history display in the library.
- March 5: Ash Wednesday, 6 p.m.
- April 5: WELCA Spring Gathering, 9:00 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. See bulletin for details. Register by April 1.
- April 6: Last day for purchasing Easter Lilies, see bulletin.
- April 29: LifeLine Screening at Zion. See bulletin for details.
- Any time: The CHOSEN is available on Facebook, Roku, Fire-stick, The CHOSEN app, AngelStudios.com and on TheCHOSEN.TV websites.
- Any time: Drop off used ink cartridges to be recycled. funds raised to support Zion and Sunny Hill Preschool.
- Any time: Drop off collected pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House in the Red Box.
- Anytime: simple donations to Zion can be made through the purchase of Raise Right (formerly Scrip) gift cards. Details here
If you are in need of pastoral assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to 860-342-2860, or to Pastor Sara at 678-882-9011 or [email protected]. Church office hours : Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. If needed, call Pastor Sara or Kathy Richards.
Call for information if you would like to learn more or if you are interested in becoming a member. 860-342-2860.